Apr. 03, 2022
AnE Item – Instant Fertility
Contains 3 pills; use one pill from this item to induce the uterus at any point to generate more ovum (quantity determined by species).CONSUMABLE: LIMITED USE Simply wear/attach the object from inventory and use AnE’s Item Search icon to find; then select the appropriate item from the dialog to continue.Consumable items will automatically detach once used and can not be

Apr. 02, 2022
AnE Item – Plan B
Contains 3 pills; use one pill from this item within 24 hours of intercourse to abort any potential conceptions.CONSUMABLE: LIMITED USE Simply wear/attach the object from inventory and use AnE’s Item Search icon to find; then select the appropriate item from the dialog to continue.Consumable items will automatically detach once used and can not be used again. View on Marketplace

Feb. 13, 2022
AnE Stats – Essence Booster
Essence Booster to keep that flow constant; once you’ve exhausted your essence, get your boost here.1000 point Essence Stat booster Wear/Attach the potion and click once while wearing the AnE HUDThis is a one-time use booster; once consumed, the booster will attempt to boost up to 1000 points, potion will auto-detach. View on Marketplace >>

Dec. 27, 2021
AnE Item – Fluid Container
Multipurpose container holds 250ml of 10 different fluid sources; bar on side indicates color and fill percent of fluids collected, floating text above item will give more detailed information about the fluid(s) contained. This does not require the AnE HUD for use; any user can interact with AnE users that are utilizing plugins that make use of containers. View on

Apr. 07, 2021
AnE Item – Condoms Pack
This is a 5x Condoms Pack for the AnE Fertility HUD to prevent conception; each condom is guaranteed for one time use, overfill or repeated use may reduce efficacy. On climax, you will receive notice of how much semen was retained by the condom.CONSUMABLE: 5 USES Simply wear/attach the object from inventory or use AnE’s Item Search icon to find;

Feb. 03, 2021
AnE Item – Breeding Seed
With the AnE Breeding Seed, create a Breeding Garden on individual parcels or a Breeding Forest on full sims; breeding gardens and forests increases your compatibility the more individuals that are present; host a breeding party and watch your compatibility increase with everyone that attends. Read more on the item on our wiki: http://bit.ly/AnE_Breeding_GardenCONSUMABLE: ONE TIME USE Includes the AnE

Jan. 06, 2021
AnE Item – Gold Coin ($100)
This is a Gold Coin for AnE credits that is equivalent to L$ value.TRANSACTION: ONE TIME USE Simply wear/attach the object from inventory while wearing the AnE HUD or use AnE’s Item Search icon to find; then select the appropriate item from the dialog to continue. All AnE item objects are TRANSFERABLE to other users; you may give this item

Nov. 04, 2020
AnE Item – Paternity Tester
This is a 5x Paternity Tester for the AnE Fertility HUD to perform DNA tests on births to determine the father; the tester item will record up to five entries. You may share the tester with other users for them to test their births or to just share your records with those interested to view for themselves. Births that are

Sep. 24, 2020
AnE Item – Rename Tag
This is a Name Tag for renaming your character on the AnE Fertility HUD; just got a new partner and want to have the same last name or want to ensure your births inherit the family name? Then you should use this tag to change your character’s name to show off your family name to the world.CONSUMABLE: ONE TIME USE

Sep. 19, 2020
AnE Item – Increased Aging Potion
This is a 2x Potency Age Increasing Potion for the AnE Fertility HUD to begin increasing your age from the moment it is consumed; it does not instantly double your age, and consuming more than one does not keep stacking.Ask in any of the support groups for specifics on what this potion affects.CONSUMABLE: ONE TIME USE Simply wear/attach the object